This Committee shall review all University policies and practices pertaining to diversity and inclusion in the recruiting and retaining of students and faculty. The committee shall submit an annual report in May evaluating the status of policies and practices, including current data on the recruitment and retention of underrepresented faculty and students. It shall recommend for consideration by the Senate statements of goals, policies and practices pertaining to (1) the recruitment, retention, promotion, and general well-being of underrepresented faculty; (2) teaching by faculty that contributes to an inclusive, dynamic campus community in which underrepresented populations are welcomed, represented, and engaged; and (3) encouraging faculty research that furthers knowledge of diversity in its many forms.
As part of the charge (2), the committee will perform the ongoing review of new and revised courses seeking to fulfill the multicultural course requirement. This review will be conducted by a subcommittee of three members selected at the discretion of the chair.
The committee shall consist of eight faculty members who shall serve three-year terms, one of whom shall be appointed chair by the Committee on Committees and Nominations, one graduate student who shall serve a one-year term, and two undergraduates who shall serve one-year terms. The Committee will also consult regularly with the Vice Provost for Diversity in order to ensure open lines of communication between faculty and administration about diversity initiatives on campus. Initial appointments shall be staggered to ensure continuity on the committee.
Co-chairs: Tony Seraphin
Committee Members:
Hsin-Wen Lee
Tony Seraphin
Applied Economics & Statistics
Jennie Saxe
Civil & Environmental Engineering
Edgard Sankara
Languages, Literatures & Cultures
Anjana Bhat
Physical Therapy
Adil Bentahar
English Language Institute
Sarah DeYoung
Lola Sokolskiy
Undergraduate Student Representative
Emily Lu
Undergraduate Student Representative