General Education

This committee shall recommend academic policies and standards for the General Education Program. It shall evaluate on a regular basis the implementation of the General Education Initiative and its goals. It shall also have the ability to develop and recommend new general education initiatives and to bring forward resolutions seeking to improve the ways in which the University fosters the goals of general education.

This committee shall consist of 16 members, including the Provost or designee; a representative of the Center for Teaching & Assessment of Learning; a Division of Student Life representative; an Undergraduate Studies Committee representative; two faculty representatives from the College of Arts and Sciences (one representing humanities and social sciences, the other representing natural and mathematical sciences); one faculty representative from each of the remaining colleges or schools governed by Deans in which faculty have primary appointments; one graduate student; and two undergraduate students.

The faculty representatives will be different from faculty members serving on the Undergraduate Studies Committee, and they will be selected by the Committee on Committees and Nominations (COCAN). These representatives will serve two year terms, and they may be reappointed once. One of the faculty representatives will be elected chairperson of the committee by committee members during the first meeting of the committee each academic year.

The chairperson of the Committee may request the appointment of additional representatives of faculty or administrative office relating to such matters as sustainability, diversity, inclusion, student life, and others if such appointments would assist the committee in developing or evaluating particular general education initiatives. These additional representatives shall not have voting privileges.

Chair: Jennifer Saylor

Committee Members:

Maria Anne Purciello
School of Music

Meg Grotti
UGS Committee Representative

Mahya Ghandehari
Mathematical Sciences

Barbara Settles
Human Development & Family Science

Chandra Kambhamettu
Computer & Info Sciences

Jennifer Saylor
School of Nursing

Eva Alfoldi
Business Administration

Gerald Kauffman
Biden School

Vincenzo Ellis
College of Agriculture & Natural Resources

Marissa Varghese
Graduate Student Representative

Matthew Trevett-Smith
Center for Teaching & Assessment of Learning

Rachel Coppola
Division of Student Life Representative

Elizabeth Sargent
School of Marine Science & Policy

Michael Chajes
Interim Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education