New programs include new majors, new minors, and new concentrations. Use Curriculog to submit a new program proposal. Start by launching a new proposal in Curriculog.
After you click “New Proposal”, you must select the type of proposal from a drop-down list. There is extensive online help in Curriculog and there are links to the registrar’s office for more help.
If you are proposing new courses with a new “rubric” (4 letter prefix), you must get permission from the Provost’s office for the new rubric. New rubrics are open to challenge from other programs.
A key part of a new major proposal is the justification and rationale document, which is attached as a separate file to the proposal in Curriculog. This document should be organized according to the following outline. Topical paragraph headings and sub-headings should be used. Complete all sections as they apply to the specific request. Copies of past program proposals are available from the Faculty Senate Office or Senate Committee on Undergraduate Studies.
A. Briefly describe the new program and state its objectives. The description also should focus on the knowledge, values, skills and other educational goals that program graduates will be expected to have acquired.
A. Institutional factors.
1. How is the proposed program compatible with the University purposes and objectives of General Education.
- Describe the planning process which resulted in the development and submission of this proposal. Describe any significant impact the proposed curricula might have on other instructional, research, or service programs of the University.
3. How will the proposed curriculum more fully utilize existing resources.
B. Student demand
- Describe how enrollment projections have been derived. Show anticipated number of new majors and number of program graduates. Indicate the extent to which the new curriculum is expected to attract majors and the extent to which it will provide or electives to other majors. Indicate whether new admissions will be wholly new to the campus or internal transfers.
2. State whether the curriculum is designed to meet the needs of specific student clienteles, e.g., part-time students, currently employed professionals, non-traditional students, those preparing to reenter the job market, etc.
C. Transferability
- Document any unique agreements concerning the transfer of students or credits.
D. Access to graduate and professional programs
- Please respond to this item only if the proposed course of study will prepare students for entry into graduate or professional schools. Describe briefly the requirements for admission into the appropriate graduate or professional program and the prospects for appropriate employment after completion of the advanced program.
E. Demand and employment factors
- Please respond to this item only if preparing students for specific employment opportunities is a key objective. In such cases, describe the audience and unique career paths.
F. Regional, state, and national factors
- List comparable courses of study in the region or the State, and explain why these existing programs cannot meet the needs of prospective students and/or employers in the geographic area which the curriculum would serve. Describe any significant differences between the proposed course of study and others in the region or State that have some similar characteristics.
2. Describe the regional accrediting, professional association, and licensing requirements that have helped shape the proposed curriculum. Indicate the effects such agencies have had on the length, content or mode of delivery, and on such budgetary requirements as staffing levels, equipment needs, and facilities. Also, describe the participation of any non-campus person or organization in the development of this proposal. Report on timetables that have been established to meet any external requirements.
G. Other strengths
- Describe any special features which convey the character or personality and make the proposed course of study distinctive. (Examples might include the interest and special expertise of certain faculty members, the location and availability of unique materials or technologies at or near the campus, special relationships to other departments, organizations, or institutions, etc.)
2. Report on any anticipated collaborative arrangements with other parties (for example, inter-institutional arrangements for resource sharing, cooperative programs, clinical affiliations, etc.). The extent of the relationship should be explained and instructional or other resources to be provided by the various parties described. Any written confirmation of the commitment, including drafts of contracts or agreements, should be attached.
A. Enrollment
- If enrollments are to be limited, e.g., by size, by pre-requisites, or by academic performance, describe the restrictions and the reasons for them. A letter of support from the Admissions Office for undergraduate programs or Office of Graduate Studies will also be helpful in projecting enrollments for the proposed program.
B. Admission Requirements
- Describe the criteria for selecting among applicants.
2. Distinguish, if necessary, selection criteria between freshman, transfers from other institutions and transfers from with the University.
3. Attach any Retention Policy that might apply and provide rationale for this policy.
C. Student Expenses and Financial Aid
- Indicate the need for any required student expenses beyond the traditional book and supplies, for example, personal computer, extensive laboratory fees, etc. For Graduate and professional courses of study, indicate anticipated levels of student financial support to be provided from (a) institutional and (b)other sources.
A. Institutional Factors
- State the degree to be awarded to those who complete the program and explain why this is the appropriate form of recognition.
B. Describe the curriculum
- Describe requirements involving total credit hours, credit hour distribution, field experiences, etc.
2. Indicate how the curriculum satisfies University of Delaware, college and departmental requirements, such as ENGL110, multicultural, college core, capstone, breadth, etc.
3. Attach approval letters to the proposal in Curriculog. These should include letters from all departments whose courses are support the proposed curriculum.
A. Learning Resources
- Describe briefly the scope and quality of available library holdings, audio-visual materials, special equipment and collections, laboratories, clinical facilities, research facilities, etc., that are available and would directly support the proposed course of study. If appropriate , obtain a Library Assessment Statement. This section is not required if a letter of support from the library was attached to the Curriculog proposal.
2. Library Assessment Statement: A formal written assessment from the Director of Libraries of the Library’s ability to support a proposal for a new or expanded academic degree or program is required as part of a formal proposal. The assessment statement may include but is not limited to the strength of collections; access to electronic and networked information access to collections not owned by the University of Delaware; library space and library computer requirements; language and subject capabilities of library staff; and nature of service and increased usage demands resulting from the proposed new degree/program. The request for the library assessment accompanied by details of a proposed degree or program needs to be received by the Library at least one month before the Library’s assessment of a proposed degree or program is required. The Library will respond in a timely manner, usually within two weeks in order to allow time for faculty discussion of the library assessment and possible further discussion and/or interaction with the Director of Libraries, if desired.
B. Faculty / Administrative Resources
- Describe the available program administrators, advisors, and faculty who will support the proposed curriculum. List name, rank, specialization, nature of appointment (regular, full-time, adjunct, etc.) and highest academic degree earned by those who will provide direct support, including administrators and advisors. If appropriate, provide pertinent information about the professional and scholarly accomplishments, including training, courses and workshops taught, publications and projects, and other relevant documentation of the faculty.
C. External Funding
- Indicate any resource or source of funding external to the University which has been garnered to support the curriculum.
A. Learning Resources
- Identify needed additional learning resources. Indicate which of these are essential for basic implementation and whose which will produce a premiere program able to compete favorably for the highest caliber of student.
B. Personnel Resources
- Indicate new faculty, administrative, and advising positions required, if any, and the qualifications and subject matter specialties that will be sought. Give reasons for needing new position.
C. Budgetary Needs
- Attach an accounting of budgetary needs.
A. Implementation Plan
- Describe how the curriculum will be implemented.
B. Assessment Plan
- Indicate how the program will be evaluated and assessed. Some measures should be quantitative, other qualitative. Success should be measured against the criteria listed including stated educational goals and against whatever objectives have been set forth in the first section of the proposal. Academic units are encouraged to consult with the Center for Teaching and Assessment of Learning in developing the appropriate educational goals, assessment criteria, and benchmarks for success.
VIII. APPENDICES (as appropriate and if not attached in Curriculog)
A. Accreditation Criteria (if appropriate)
B. Letters of Collaborative Agreement
C. Transfer / Retention Policy
D. Letters of Support from other Departments
E. Other Pertinent Documents
revised September 2020