Promotions and Tenure

This committee shall review proposed promotions and the granting of tenure to ensure compliance with the units’ published criteria, and shall either endorse or question recommendations.

The committee shall also review adverse recommendations by departments, colleges, or other administrative units that are formally brought to its attention by individual faculty members, and shall advise the appropriate departments and colleges in such cases. In all cases considered, the committee’s formal recommendation shall be made known to all appropriate faculty and officers of the University, but unendorsed recommendations and the reasons thereof shall be made known only to the individual faculty member concerned, the department chairperson and/or dean of the college, and the Provost.

Whenever the committee discovers a violation of appropriate procedures the committee will so inform the Provost at the same time as it makes its recommendation to the Provost on the said candidate’s promotion and tenure.

The committee shall recommend to the Senate University-wide policies and procedures relating to promotion and tenure and shall advise the faculties of the colleges and departments and the President of the University on the formulations of these policies. It shall ensure that these University-wide policies and procedures are made known within each department and throughout the University, and that unit criteria are roughly comparable throughout the University.

No individual serving on this committee may vote on candidates from his or her own department or participate in the discussion of such candidates. No individual may serve on this committee during the same year in which s/he serves on a college-level promotion and tenure committee. This committee shall consist of four tenured professors, two tenured associate professors, and one Continuing Track faculty member at the rank of associate professor or higher.

The Continuing Track faculty member will be fully involved in deliberations and voting on all matters pertaining to Continuing Track faculty. Two of the six tenured faculty members shall be from the College of Arts and Sciences. At least one member of the committee shall be a woman and at least one member shall be a man. No administrative officers (including department chairs) should be appointed to serve on this committee.

Chair: Erik Thostenson

Committee Members:

Tom Kaminski
College of Health Sciences

Elias Goldstein
College of Arts & Sciences

Erik Thostenson
College of Engineering

Kalim Shah
Biden School

Kali Kniel
College of Agriculture & Natural Resources

Christine Cucciarre
College of Arts & Sciences

Sean Zdenek
College of Arts & Sciences