Research Committee

This committee shall develop and recommend policies relating to research and patent matters at the University and shall hear comments and suggestions on such policies and on their implementation.

It shall participate in the award of faculty research and development grants by the University, and it shall actively seek other means of encouraging research by staff and students. It shall have power to review research proposals submitted to it using inside or outside reviewers.

This committee shall consist of the Vice Provost for Research and eight faculty members, one of whom shall be chairperson. Membership on this committee should be restricted to faculty members who have an established record of research and who continue to be actively engaged in a program of research.

The faculty committee members should be chosen to be representative of the following general areas: four members should be chosen from the arts, humanities and social sciences (faculty in colleges such as Arts and Science, Business and Economics, Health and Nursing Sciences, Human Services, Education and Public Policy, could most likely be appointed to one of these positions); four members should be chosen from the natural sciences, engineering and mathematics (including faculty in Arts and Science, Agriculture and Natural Resources, Health and Nursing Sciences and Marine Studies).

Chair: Petr Plechac

Committee Members:

Miles Brown
School of Music

Maik Kecinski
Applied Economics & Statistics

Barbara Settles
Human Development & Family Science

Harsh Bais
Plant & Soil Science

Petr Plechac
Mathematical Sciences

Changqing Wu
Animal & Food Science

Kedron Thomas

Anderson Janotti
Materials Sciences

Mandy Jansen
School of Education

Miguel Garcia-Diaz
Vice President for Research, Scholarship and Innovation