Sample Resolutions

A. Provisional Approval of New Programs/Majors — Resolution

WHEREAS, (each whereas should highlight any or all of the following as appropriate:

  • how this program/major fits the Mission of the University,
  • the need for the program/major both academically and to serve the community,
  • how Delaware’s proposed program/major will compare to similar programs nationally,
  • the availability of the resources necessary to support the program/major,
  • any unique or special considerations.)

RESOLVED, that the Faculty Senate approves provisionally, for four years, the establishment of a new major leading to the B.A. degree in Women’s Studies, effective September 1, 1993.

RESOLVED, that the Faculty Senate approves provisionally, for four years, the establishment of a new major entitled Baccalaureate for the Registered Nurse (BRN), effective September 1, 1993.

B. Final Approval of New Programs/Majors — Resolution

WHEREAS, the MALS Program was provisionally approved on November 3, 1986, and

WHEREAS, at the end of the provisional period an external review team recommended that the MALS Program be given permanent status, and

WHEREAS, student interest in the program has been demonstrated by the actual enrollment as compared to the projected enrollment, be it therefore

RESOLVED, that, effective immediately, the Master of Arts in Liberal Studies (MALS) Program be granted permanent status.

C. Minor — Announcement for Challenge

Revision of the minor in Applied Music (Attachment 7).

D. Disestablishment of Major/Program — Resolution

WHEREAS, the Dean of the College of Human Resources, in consultation with the Department Chairperson of Textiles, Design and Consumer Economics, has recommended the elimination of the major in Interior Design, therefore be it

RESOLVED, that the Interior Design major is to be disestablished effective September 1, 1992, and be it further

RESOLVED, that the phase-out schedule for course offerings through Spring 1995, shall assure the completion of the major for currently enrolled students.

E. Reorganization of a college — Resolution

WHEREAS, programmatic changes in the nursing curricula have been approved and

WHEREAS, the current separation of faculty into undergraduate and graduate departments seems less efficient, and

WHEREAS, the faculty and administration of the College of Nursing have developed a new plan for organizational structure, and

WHEREAS, the Coordinating Committee on Education held an Open Hearing on the Reorganization of the College of Nursing on April 7, 1993, be it therefore

RESOLVED, that the existing Departments of Advanced Nursing Science and Nursing Science are dissolved and that the College of Nursing will have a department called “Department of Nursing” and a “Division of Special Programs.”

F. Curriculum Revisions — Announcements for Challenge

Revision of the major in Agricultural Business Management to create a concentration in Food Marketing (Attachment 5).

Revision of the M.S. in Life Span Development (Department of Individual and Family Studies): retitle degree “M.S. in Individual and Family Studies;” recognize specializations in Applied Family Studies, Early Childhood Development and Education, and Gerontology; revise curriculum (Attachment 3).

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