Student Life

Per the University of Delaware Charter and Board of Trustees Bylaws, this committee shall review policies and regulations bearing upon the care, control, government, and discipline of all students. Duties include:

  • Review proposals that relate to care, control, government, and discipline of all students proposed by any and all University community units before implementation. The committee shall decide whether a change in the substance or wording of a policy should have the approval of the full Senate, or should only require approval of the committee itself, with the Senate informed of its action. The Senate ultimately may choose to act upon items sent to it as information.
  • Review and evaluate the University of Delaware Student Code of Conduct annually. The committee must review any proposal to change the Code of Conduct.
  • Review and evaluate the Residence Life and Housing Program Plans annually for recommendation and approval by the Faculty Senate.
  • As necessary, the committee shall provide advice to the Vice President for Student Life on other areas that affect the life of students including, but not limited: Enrollment Management (e.g., Student Financial Services, Admissions, etc.), UD Police, and Facilities, Real Estate, and Auxiliary Services (e.g., Dining Services, UD Bookstore, Transportation Services, Environmental Health and Safety, etc.). It may meet with the Vice Presidents/Directors of these units responsible for these matters, at their request or at the discretion of the chairperson of the committee.

This committee shall consist of two designees of the Vice President for Student Life; one representative of the Office of Graduate and Professional Education, designated by the Associate Provost for Graduate Studies; five faculty members, one of whom shall be chairperson; four undergraduate students to be appointed by the Student Government Association and one graduate student appointed by the Graduate Student Government.

Chair: Shara Compton

Jennifer Saylor
School of Nursing

Chris Hoch
School of Nursing

Shara Compton
Chemistry & Biochemistry

Elizabeth Fournier
Biden School

Madeline Hagerman
Art Conservation

Isabella Haigney
Undergraduate Student Representative

Zayah Briggs
Undergraduate Student Representative

Ava Cavolo
Undergraduate Student Representative

Nicole Long
Assistant Vice President, Student Experience and Belonging

Mary Martin
Graduate Studies

Adam Cantley
Dean of Students